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Puppies and Started Dogs
Breed, Train, Test, Title, improve and Repeat.
When you buy a puppy with us: Every puppy receives a free 2-4 week training program. Your 7 to 8-month-old dog will run through our puppy course where we will train two-sided healing with leash control, and off-leash e-collar control for two commands with a whistle sit, and come. This training will give you off-leash control over your young dog helping you keep him safe. We offer this so we can assess our breeding choices by evaluating each puppy for trainability, tractability, desire for birds, and desire to retrieve.
Each Female is acquired because of her bloodlines. She is then trained and titled to at least a Senior hunt level before being considered for breeding. During this time she is evaluated for strengths, abilities, and Genetics. We look for talented dogs as we engage with the Hunt and Trial clubs. We breed mostly from local Males. Their stud fees help offset their training and Titling expenses.
Started dogs: A started dog is the best way to buy a hunting dog. Young proffesionals fathers and most hunters live to hunt. developing a young dog takes TIME. In months a started dog will learn what most hunting dogs learn in Years.
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